Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Fresh New Year

Weekly Message: A Fresh New Year

With a new year comes the promise of a fresh start for many of us. We pledge to eat right, exercise, renounce our vices, or start something new.

For our students the new year can be a fresh start as well. After two weeks off, many of our students are coming back with renewed enthusiasm and commitment of their own.

I have heard it said that it is easy to love the lovely. How can we support the students who have been challenges in our classrooms the first half of the year?

1. Remind students of the rules.

This is a good time to pause and review rules and procedures with our students. When rules were discussed the first of the year, many students were overwhelmed or missed part of what was said. Reviewing the rules at this point allows students to frame them within their experiences from the first half of the school year.

2. Give students the benefit of the doubt.
Many of our students mature and grow by leaps and bounds from first semester to the end of the second. Give them a chance to show how much they have grown.

3. Utilize student strengths to motivate and inspire them.

At this point, you know your students well enough to capitalize on their affinities. Use their interests as a springboard for success.

4. Try something totally out of the box

Our students are digital natives. They are used to immediate feedback/gratification with video games, the internet, and text messaging. Our challenge is to step out of our traditional mode to reach our students and make our lessons relevant.

5. Encourage Creative Thinking

In the age of accountability, our bubble tests leave little room for truly creative thinking. Encourage students to use their imaginations and consider possibilities outside of the “bubble.”

A new year is a fresh start for us and a fresh start for our students. Welcome back and happy 2009!

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