The face of instructional delivery models is changing. There are now many other options to consider in addition to face-to-face delivery. Our state is using a Moodle-based software program to deliver the information regarding the changes to the NC Writing Assessment model.
The beauty of a Moodle is that it can be accessed online and you can complete the activities are your own pace.
What if you don’t teach Language Arts?
The new model for writing assessment will involve teachers in all curriculum areas. There are two Moodles from the state to support the shift. The first Moodle focuses on writing instruction while the second Moodle explains the nuts and bolts of the new process and timeline for writing assessment.
For this year, we will require that all 4th and 7th grade writing teachers complete Moodle II. In addition, all 7th grade teachers of Social Studies will need to complete Moodle II.
An E-mail was sent to principals with information regarding district-level support for Moodle training. We will offer sessions for 4th and 7th grade at the HPS Annex to assist in logging on and orienting teachers to the Moodle format.
4th Grade October 28th (3:30-5:00) at the Annex
7th Grade October 29th (3:00-4:00) at the Annex
On December 2nd, we will have additional training for 4th grade (3:30-5:00) on closing out the Moodle and setting up dates for the upcoming formative and summative assessments as well as the scoring sessions. The training for 7th grade teachers will be December 3rd from 3:00-5:00 at the Annex.
What about high school and other grade levels?
All teachers are encouraged to access and complete the Moodle.
In the near future, every pre-K – 12th grade teacher will be responsible for completing the Moodle and for assessing student writing in his/her content area.
Participation in writing assessment is now the responsibility of every teacher as outlined in the new North Carolina Writing Assessment Proposal.
For more information or details on this proposal, see the attached document.
What is a Moodle?
Moodle is an open source software package for producing Internet-based courses and websites. Click here to see an informational video on Moodle.
How will Moodle be used in the North Carolina Writing Assessment Program?
Moodle will be used to provide professional development for all teachers and for digital upload for the pilot schools.
What professional development is available for teachers?
Instructional Writing Across the Curriculum
How do I access the Writing Across the Curriculum course?
Click here to access the NC Writing Assessment System Moodle.
If I have questions, who do I contact?
For passwords, see your school-level testing coordinator
If the questions are technical, contact the NCSU Help Desk at ncdesk@ncsu.edu or (919) 515-1320.
If the questions are content related contact the Writing Assessment Help Desk at writingassessment@dpi.state.nc.us
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